Hear the 4th Hit Record from Cloud People, “Hail Showers And April Flowers”

April 20, 2014
Cloud People - Hit Record 4 - Hail Showers And April Flowers

Evan Wilder recorded the sound of a hail storm in mid-April, that left the ground white with ice and flower petals.

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Hear Cloud People’s 3rd Hit Record field recording, “Spring Peepers”

April 5, 2014
Cloud People - Hit Record 3 - Spring Peepers

Evan Wilder of Cloud People continues the sonic explorations of the Pine Barrens in the new series, called Hit Record.

Evan Wilder Tweets late last night:

Late. Out in the trees. Sitting still as spring peepers pierce silence. I hit record. 40 minutes of peeps takes me to 3am. A cat crept by. Very dark amidst light rain and mist. Winter casually leaves like it never happened. Back, to report and download recording to prepare for whoever listens to such things. Then sleep.

This is the result - a 12 minute highlight of spring peepers as recorded by Evan Wilder in the Wharton State Forest.

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Hear Cloud People’s second Hit Record field recording, “March Winds”

March 28, 2014
Cloud People - Hit Record 2 - March Winds

Evan Wilder of Cloud People continues the sonic explorations of the Pine Barrens in the new series, called Hit Record.

Hit Record Number 2: "March Winds". One late winter windy night gets Evan Wilder out in the woods to record the wind passing through the forest, where branches can be heard knocking together in the treetops.

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