First offering from Yung Coyote
Yung Coyote resides way out in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, between wooded rivers along the Batona Trail itself, the namesake of Batona Music.
Since his resurgence from the depths of the cedar swamp in 2012, he has become an infamous creature of the Pine Barrens. From the culture-altering Gridwork parties in Atlantic City to audio features in grand scale European art installations, his work so far as been powerful, yet sparse; until he brought us here, on this Path of Symbols.
In desolation, he can be found cutting trails to mythical dimensions of sound on global instruments and archaic machinery; carving messages into time through glorious notes and purifying echo. Coyote has been scanning all cultures modern and antique, and there is no telling what direction the trail may take next…
Through the skin drum and cedar flute we will walk together.
Drums, flute, yidaki, field recordings by Yung Coyote.
Performed, recorded, programmed, and produced by Yung Coyote in 2013.
West /// Black made in 2014.
May your fires be controlled
And your water run clean.
Dedicated to KD Cyr.
Yung Coyote ● Path Of Symbols

01 Invocation
02 Red /// East
03 Blue /// North
04 Black /// West
05 White /// South
Catalog Number: PATH21
Formats: MP3 V0, MP3 320, FLAC, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, ALAC, WAV, AIFF
Released: March 23, 2017
Total Time: 00:20:01
Mixed by Evan Wilder 2016.
Mastered by Mike Cain.
Medicine wheel created by Yung Coyote.
Photography: Yung Coyote
Design: Nice Looking Designs